Wonder Woman Close-Up

Okay, so it's NOT actually a blown-up shot of the doll from the last post but I think, this is the doll that is being used in the still.

It was designed by Robert Tonner, released in 2007 (pre-costume reboot), 16" tall and retails for $75. You can see the full size of the dolls and its specs at ExperienceTheWonder.com.

Remember Tanit Phoenix's Audition Video?

Remember the Tanit Phoenix Audition Video, where she talked about the bust size of Wonder Woman's doll? Looks like, that scene will still be included in the pilot. USA Today has the first picture of Diana Prince discussing the doll's proportions.

And we finally get a look at the Wonder Woman doll and notice, it is the classic costume!

I know it's only a doll but it makes me curious to see how much in-show crazy merchandise the producers of the show can come up with (and if it would be available in the real world, aka outside of the show as well).

Excuse the mess!

Please excuse the mess as Wonder Cast undergoes a 'blog' revamp, which is only going to be temporary layout until the podcast begins. 

Fan's Response to NEW Wonder Woman Costume

When the original updated Wonder Woman costume debuted earlier this month on Entertainment Weekly, to say it created a major uproar among fans is an understatement. Fans hated it with a passion, from comments "It's too shiny!" 'How can she run in THAT?" to complaints it was too photoshopped or is she getting ready to fight crime or attend a Halloween party.

Yesterday, we got our first glimpse of a tweaked costume that fans, seem to like a lot better than the original design.

Here's a run down of what's different (from head to toe):

  • The headband, from my PoV, has pretty much stayed the same. But Adrianne doesn't wear make-up (if she is, it's a very light, invisible base that easily blends to her skin tone). 
  • No red lipstick, which is good because I don't remember Lynda Carter wearing red lipstick as Wonder Woman.
  • The bust is less -- how to say this without sound obscene? -- in your face versus the original. It's still red, just not shiny red as before.The golden crest is the same.
  • The torso is the same, as are the silver bracelets and golden lasso.
  • The pants are still blue but it's not the shiny, plastic-skin tight blue from the original pants re-design. And the blue is more like a dark-navy. You can also see the golden stars more visibly on the pants.
  • Going down further, fans will love this tweak, the boots are back to their original red as well as flat-heeled. 'Cause really, running in high heels has be a bitch anyway. It also looks like the boots are a bit shorter than the blue boots.
Fans seem to be happy with the costume tweaks. As evidence, EW put out an article about the costume along with a poll.

So far, 57.89% voted that "Yes, the new one is much better. Yay red boots!" 15.06% said "No way, they had it right the first time. So shiny!" and 27.05% saying 1st and 2nd are wrong.

Wonder Cast also has a similar poll on the right panel (which if you haven't voted, vote!) Are you happy with the latest tweaks or do you wish more had been done?

Superherohype Has a Full Gallery of Wonder Woman Set Photos

Superherohype.com has a full gallery of the leaked Wonder Woman set photos from earlier today. The gallery encompasses 7 pages, and WonderWomanTV.com will also have a gallery too once Craig finishes the new layout edits.

Just want to point, not all the pics are of Adrianne. They're mixed with pics of the fake Wonder Woman, wearing the same costume.

Updated Exclusive! Wonder Woman's Costume Thread in the Forum

I have updated the Exclusive! Wonder Woman Costume thread in the forum with the recent pics and video from my last two posts on the blog.

Join the discussion!

Adrianne as Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Filming Videos!!!

We are so spoiled! Not only do we have our first filming pics of Adrianne in action as Wonder Woman, I found four video clips of her in action as Wonder Woman. I saved them all to wondercast's youtube account but I'll embed two of the best here.

In this first one, you get a better look of Adrianne running after some bad guys, and yes, she can run in the new costume.

In the second one, you can hear the music. It's very retro with a 70s vibe and fast which adds to the ambiance of the scene.

Wonder Woman In Action!!!

It's funny, I had a dream last night about Wonder Woman chasing down some villain and now, we have our first glimpse of her in ACTION! Chasing a villain down in what I assume is Hollywood Boulevard.

Wonder Woman in Action!
[dailymail.co.uk]  I'd like to point out that we do have some costume changes from the original promo pic we saw earlier this month. Most notable, the boots. They're back to its original classic red color. Also, the blue pants aren't shiny anymore and judging from the pics, it looks like she can move around just fine catching bad guys.

We also have our first glimpse of the Wonder Woman impostor the real Wonder Woman is chasing.

Kelly Galindo
 The fake Wonder Woman is portrayed by actress, Kelly Galindo. See the dailymail.co.uk for more behind the scenes pics!!

Lynda Carter Open to Appearing on Wonder Woman

[The Examiner] Lynda Carter recently gave an interview to promote her new album but also talked a bit about possibly appearing in the Wonder Woman reboot.  (Keep fingers crossed).

Lynda Carter
Here's what Carter had to say:

MP: Have you been ask to be a part of the new Wonder Woman TV Series?
LC: David E. Kelly and I have talked about it. He was so gracious and he asked me what my schedule is. I’m certainly open to anything that David has in mind for me.  I think they are filming it right as I’m in the middle of all this stuff I’m doing. I’m not sure if it would work out.  That being said, I hope it goes really really well.
While an appearance might not work for the pilot movie, if it goes to series, anything is possible. Having Lynda Carter appear as Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, would be awesome.

Carter goes on to say how much she loved playing Wonder Woman because it was a fun experience, especially the action stuff and working with the crew was like a family.

Wonder Woman Filming Continues: Week 3!!!

[OnLocationVacations.com] It's week 3 of filming for Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is filming at 26877 Tourney Rd in Valencia, CA today and starting tomorrow through Thursday, Hollywood Boulevard will be shut down due to filming.

Here is a more detailed scheduled of closures:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 4:00 p.m. - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 7:00 a.m.
Full overnight closure of Hollywood Blvd., between Orange Dr. and Highland Ave. Eastbound lanes will be closed starting at 4 p.m., followed by the westbound lanes at 7 p.m. All lanes will reopen at 7 a.m. Additionally, the north and south curb lanes will close starting at 7 a.m. and will remain closed for the duration of the three day shoot. 

"Wonder Woman" Filming - Day 2Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:00 p.m. - Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:00 a.m. 
Eastbound lanes of Hollywood Blvd., between Las Palmas Ave. and Orange Dr., will be closed from 4 p.m., reopening around 7 p.m. Westbound lanes of Hollywood Blvd. will close at 7 p.m. and reopen at 7 a.m. the following morning. All lanes may be closed simultaneously around 7 p.m. Additionally, curb lanes will be closed from 7 a.m. 

"Wonder Woman" Filming - Day 3Thursday, March 31, 2011 4:00 p.m. - Friday, April 1, 2011 7:00 a.m. 
All lanes of Hollywood Blvd., between Orange Dr. and Highland Ave., will be closed, with the westbound lanes closing at 4 p.m. followed by eastbound lanes at 7 p.m. Additionally, the curb lanes will be closed from 7 a.m.

What do you think as Justin Bruening as Steve Trevor?

Justin Bruening vs. Brett Tucker?

Started a new forum topic, What do you think as Justin Bruening as Steve Trevor?

Please vote and join in the discussion!

Tracie Thom (Etta Candy) Interview

[Starpulse.com] Tracie Thoms, who plays the role of Etta Candy, Diana Prince's assistant in the Wonder Woman reboot recently gave an interview about her career in general (working on Cold Case and her appearance on broadway).

Tracie Thoms
She doesn't give away any spoilerly information regarding the pilot movie (which I guess is expected) but when asked about it, her response was nothing but excitement:
Wonder Woman, which is probably one of the most talked about pilots out there right now. How is that going so far?
It's a dream come true. What I can say about it is that I'm having a blast. Everybody is working so hard to make Wonder Woman recognizable and fresh at the same time. 

Wonder Woman: IMDB Cast Page Updated

I checked Wonder Woman's IMDB cast page. Interestingly enough, even though Justin Bruening has been cast in the role of Steve Trevor, it still lists Brett Tucker as Trevor. Also very interesting there's a new addition: Kelly Galindo.

Kelly Galindo
Her role on Wonder Woman's IMDB page is listed as 'Fake Wonder Woman' which aligns with an earlier spoiler I read on WonderWomanTV.com, regarding the closure of Hollywood Boulevard.

Most of this closure will probably involve Wonder Woman chasing someone through the crowds and running into several costumed folk and tourists, including a Wonder Woman impostor wearing the classic costume.
Galindo's other notable casting credits include Sons of Anarchy, FlashForward, The Closer and ER.

What About Brett Tucker?

Now that we know former Knight Rider star Justin Bruening is Steve Trevor, what about the earlier not-so-important unknown male lead casting announcement for aussie actor, Brett Tucker?

Brett Tucker
It was speculated after his not-so-important casting announcement he might have been Steve Trevor and it made sense for the time because there are only three male leads.  The parts of Henry Johns (then Henry Demeter) and Ed Indelicato had already been cast.

That only left the part of Steve Trevor. 

It begs the question, since the role of Steve Trevor has already been cast, what is Tucker's role in the series (or if he's even still involved at all?).

Personally, I'd still like to see Tucker in the show.  I don't know about his acting but I'm curious how he still fits.

Wonder Woman's PR Problem, Where's Myndi Mayer When You Need Her?

[ComicBookResources.com] If only the Wonder Woman reboot had an awesome PR person like Wonder Woman's comic PR superwoman, Myndi Mayer -- then all the bad press from fans and critics the reboot has been receiving since news first broke it was going forward, wouldn't be so bad.

Comicbookresources.com looks at 5 simple things Wonder Woman could do to improve her image.

While still not much is known about the script, fans are still very critical about how bad it might be based on an early release of a FIRST DRAFT, which first started a wave of disappointment. To put fans at ease, CBR recommends maybe releasing parts of the revised script online.  If fans were able to read the awesome parts, maybe they'd think twice about bitching how bad it was going to be.

Try again with the costume. Okay, besides the script, what Wonder Woman's costume was going to look like was a very BIG hot topic with the fans.  I wasn't thrilled about her comic book make-over last year because it didn't feel like Wonder Woman at all, but I'm probably in the minority here when I say I like Wonder Woman's costume for the reboot and it's for two reasons: 1) she doesn't have that choker around her neck and 2) she isn't covered up. Those two elements alone, in my opinion, made her look like a hooker and a tattoo artist.

But I am in the minority here. Fans, generally, do not like the new costume.  If the pilot movie were go to series, they should re-do the costume and make it more based on the original Lynda Carter wore in the 70s. That doesn't mean bringing back the granny panty because Lord knows, that would not work today by any standards but elements of the original costume should be highlighted in another costume re-vamp (if there is one).

One of the other points is that NBC should order a season already instead of waiting to see how a pilot movie does with the fans.  Actually, I want to see Wonder Woman become a series too.  It's been decades since Wonder Woman graced our televisions. There's been direct to DVD movies, like the animated one with Kerri Russel and Nathan Fillion (which if you haven't seen because it's animated, you're missing you because it is AWESOME and Nathan Fillion as Steve Trevor, has all the best lines in the movie and the plot's pretty solid too) but there hasn't been a TV series. 

Those are three of the five main bullets CBR offers.

Former Knight Rider Star Cast as Steve Trevor

Okay, so Brett Tucker is NOT Steve Trevor.  Deadline.com is reporting that former Knight Rider (NBC) star Justin Bruening has been cast as Steve Trevor.

From his official character description, Steve Trevor is a leading man Diana can't look past and an army vet who now works in the Justice department.


this is just a test

Diana Prince Photos: No Watermarks!

If you wait long enough, you shall receive. Finally, the two previously released photos of our first glimpse of Diana Prince are available without the WEN watermark.  They're not HQ though, but at least, there's no distracting watermark.

 Courtesy of TooFab Gallery

Another Villain Joins Wonder Woman

Joseph Gatt
Turns out, Veronica Cale might not be the only villain in the Wonder Woman reboot. According to Screenrant.com, Cale will have help in her conquest to take down Wonder Woman in the form of John O’Quinn.

O’Quinn works for Veronica Cale as a physical presence against Wonder Woman. Plus, if you remember a casting call awhile back for Super Buff, Worked out, Bodybuilder Type Guys to play soldiers that appear to be on steroids for Wonder Woman. This will work at the end of March or beginning of April.

Well, we're nearing the end of March, so the time frame and description fits.  Joseph Gatt, who is playing one of the Frost Giants in Thor, is guest starring as O’Quinn in the action-heavy bad guy role. If you look at the above pic, he is TOTAL BAD ASS!

It's also assumed if the series is picked up, Gatt will join as a recurring character. [ComicBookMovie.com]

Gatt is known for his motion capture work, playing Kratos, the star of the God of War video game franchise.

A Look Down Memory Lane: Wonder Woman's Costumes

EW.com has posted a neat slide show, showcasing Wonder Woman's various looks throughout the years from her earliest appearance in comics to the most recent Wonder Woman reboot today. There's stuff in there even I didn't know about, like she was even a fashion diva and if you go to ComicBookMovie.com, there was an even a pilot that pre-dates the TV movie with Cathy Lee Crosby.

DC Icons Panel at WonderCon 2011

[OnLocationVacations.com] If you're lucky enough to be go to Wonder Con this year in San Francisco, there will be DC Icons panel where Group editor Mike Marts, along with artists Tony Daniel and Amy Reeder, and others lead the discussion on the latest Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman news.

See the banner for posted link above for a complete listing of panels and events. More details below:

Wonder Con

2:00-3:00 DC Icons— DC’s top heroes are the topic of this panel spotlight. Group editor Mike Marts, along with artists Tony Daniel and Amy Reeder, and others lead the discussion on the latest Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman news. Room 103

Wonder Con 2011

First Look at Diana Prince!!

Courtesy of WENN. 

[ComicBookMovie.com] We've seen Wonder Woman's costume but haven't seen her other two personas, Diana Prince and Diana Themyscira. Well, finally, we have our first glimpse of at least one of them. In this case, Diana Prince.

They are watermarked though but hopefully, better HQ pics will surface in the next few days.

David E. Kelley On Wonder Woman

David E. Kelley recently gave an interview with the Vulture, talking about his hits and misses over his career. If you scroll down to the bottom, he talks about Wonder Woman.

Here's an excerpt:

Then you had to find your Wonder Woman.
It was not an easy search, but it went far quicker than I ever imagined. After writing this script, I remember looking at several people and going, "Yeah, now good luck trying to find her." She’s got to be strong, smart, emotionally accessible — and oh yeah, an Amazon! Good luck. I remember speaking to DC, and saying, "We may have to compromise on the physicality. We need to go with the best actress. And if the best actress is five-foot-five, we have to be open to that, because there’s too many layers for this character to also demand that she be nearly six feet tall." And then lo and behold, in comes this girl named Adrianne Palicki.

ComicBookMovie.com Wonder Woman Costume Contest

Love it or hate it, want to see a re-design, everyone has an opinion about Wonder Woman's new costume.  Now Comicbookmovie.com is giving fans a chance to vote for their favorite Wonder Woman costume re-vamp.

(Note, this is only a fan thing, not an official 'your vote would decide what Wonder Woman' wears on the show. It's just for fun.)

But all of the seven re-designs are actually quite good, so check it out and vote for your fan favorite!

Lynda Carter Comments on Wonder Woman's Costume Re-Vamp

I have to be honest, the first thought that popped into my head as soon as I saw the new costume was, Hmm, I wander what Lynda Carter thinks about it.

Well, E! Online caught up with Carter and this is what she said:

"I think she looks fabulous....It's a new look and, jeez, her body looks fantastic."

Carter, like me, wants everyone to give her a chance and accepts that inevitably, there will be comparisons between her Wonder Woman and Adrianne's but she hopes that people would cut her some slack.

Finally, Carter says:

"I'm sure there will be people who say she looks better than me and like her better than me—and that's also fine," she continued. "I want this story to be told again. I'm really excited. I can't wait to see it."

Finally, she doesn't rule out making an appearance in the re-vamp. It also looks like Kelley's not ruling it out either.  Which would be beyond awesome if it ever came to fruition.

FINALLY!! First Look at the New Wonder Woman Costume

EW.com provides the first glimpse of the hotly debated Wonder Woman costume. First of all, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  I will say it is mix between the original and the newer costume and actually, looks pretty good.

The top is more reminiscent of the classic costume, still got the lasso and the bracelets, blue bottom instead a big panty-underwear Carter wore from the original series, but instead of red boots, they're blue.  And all shiny leather. Not crazy about the stance Adrianne is using but over all, I don't think the costume's not too bad.

Plot Hole or Major Mistake?

So I was looking for extra spoilers earlier this evening and ran across an interesting tidbit from airlockalpha.  There's a very small bit in the article (if you scroll through the entire thing you might miss it).
In says:
In the new comics, Paradise Island was destroyed and many Amazons were raised around the world, including Diana Prince. In this series, Wonder Woman was raised in New York City and is only beginning to discover her powers and learn about her Amazon heritage. 

The last bit is especially interesting when you consider all the spoilers and premise of the series is based in Las Angeles, not New York. Even more interesting is that Wonder Woman discovers her powers AFTER (one assumes) she leaves Paradise Island.

It also begs the question if she is raised in New York, how the hell did she get there?

Again, not really sure how accurate this spoiler is but it sounds interesting and now that I think about it, has a lot more in common with another DC character who also wears red, blue and yellow and flies and has a big S on his chest and is super allergic to kryptonite.

But the idea of Wonder Woman discovering her powers later in life as opposed to when she is still living on the island falls in line with the whole 'coming of age' story.

Henry Demeter is now Henry Johns!

Cary Elwes character's name, Henry Demeter is now Henry Johns, probably a nod to DC Entertainments' Geoff Johns.

Wonder Woman's Costume?

It's no secret what Wonder Woman's costume will look like in the re-vamp is a VERY hot topic.  I don't even think fandom in split on this one at all, most fans would prefer an updated classic costume (based on the one Lynda Carter wore in the original series). 

Now word comes we may not see an updated costume based on the original but in fact, the whorish look that premiered in the updated comics late last year. If this turns out to be true, it will be disappointing beyond words. Personally, I cannot stand the new costume because as I have said previously, she looks like a whore and a tattoo artist and if you didn't know she was Wonder Woman, you'd think so too.

In my mind, this is only speculation until we actually SEE a promotional or behind the scenes picture. 

Wonder Cast Forum Is HERE!!!

Wonder Cast's forum is FINALLY Here!! I'm still working on some design kinks but it's set-up the way I want it set up at the moment.  I created the forum as a place where ALL Wonder Woman fans can gather and discuss.

In addition to being a forum for the reboot and podcast, I also created sections for the original Wonder Woman. I'm also looking for forum moderators, so please, if you are interested, visit that thread under News & Announcements.

Wonder Woman Logo Surfaces & Liz Hurley Set Photos

Possible Wonder Woman Logo

The first Wonder Woman set photo came out yesterday, and it featured what could possible be the series' logo. It's a golden eagle on a black background with Wonder and star in red, and Woman in blue. If this turns out to be the official logo for the series later, I like it.

Pictures also surfaced late last night of Elizabeth Hurley on set wearing a tight, turquoise dress and talking to reporters. This might be the first scene she finished filming for the pilot.

Wonder Woman Begins Filming TODAY!!!

[SuperHeroHype.com] We have our first official details about where Wonder Woman will be filming TODAY. If you live in L.A, this will be especially exciting.  Filming will take place around 555 S. Flower ST, Las Angeles, CA. No official word about which actors will be present. Also, if this location is accurate, I think we can expect to see our first leaked photos (and maybe but crosses-fingers what the costume will look like).

Here is a brief synopsis for the show:

The project is described as a reinvention of the iconic D.C. comic in which Wonder Woman -- aka Diana Prince -- is a vigilante crime fighter in L.A. but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.

No other official casting announcements/updates but hopefully, further news about Brett Tucker's unknown male character (which is probably Steve Trevor) will be announced today.


You know filming for the Wonder Woman pilot is serious when Hollywood Boulevard and Highland complex in LA is shut down for three days in a row, effective Tuesday, March 29.

Australian Actor Tapped as Steve Trevor?

Brett Tucker
[Deadline.com] You'd think as the last male lead, Steve Trevor's casting announcement late Friday would have been bigger news.  It looks like (but still not confirmed), aussie Brett Tucker (who had a brief cameo appearance of 'Legend of the Seeker' which also starred Bridget Regan, may fill the role of Steve Trevor.

According to his IMDB page, he's had other small guest spots on various shows but more recently on CSI: New York. If he is Steve Trevor (and probably is since his character is the last unfilled male lead) he has the sexy-heartthrob-playboy appeal which embodies who Steve Trevor is (from my recollection of the old series).

Also, that would mean we have two Brits and an Aussie in the cast.

Oh wait, I think that was Nathan Fillion's portrayal in the animated movie I was thinking of.

Children's Museum Hosting Costumes from TV and Film

Ever wanted to see the classic Wonder Woman costume Lynda Carter got to wear from the original series? The Children's Museum in Indianapolis is hosting an exhibit featuring old and new costumes from film and TV. Besides the Wonder Woman costume, you can also see:

  • The Wicked Witch of the West's hat from 1939's "The Wizard of Oz."
  • The reptilian Gorn costume from "Star Trek" (1966).
  • Caped Crusader costume from "Batman & Robin" (1997).
  • The pink genie outfit worn by Barbara Eden in the series "I Dream of Jeannie" (1965-1970).
  • A blue evening dress worn by Beyonce Knowles in the movie "Dreamgirls" (2006).
  • A dress worn by Hailee Steinfeld in the movie "True Grit" (2010).
  • Green shorts outfit worn by Penny Marshall on "Laverne & Shirley" (1976-1983).

The museum is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, 3000 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, MD. Tickets are $11.50-$16.50.

Lynda Carter as Hippolyta Twitter Campaign

From Wonder Woman (2009)
This really didn't surprise me when it started late Sunday on twitter, but there's a campaign to get Lynda Carter or (@RealLyndaCarter) her twitter alias cast as Hippolyta, Wonder Woman's mother. Search hash tag #LyndaCarterisHippolyta on twitter or #WonderWoman

I think Lynda Carter would be perfect for the role because not only would be a nice homage to classic Wonder Woman she played in the 70s, it would bring the reboot full circle.  Smallville did something similiar with Lois Lane's character, casting  Teri Hatcher (who played Lois Lane in the 90's Adventures with Superman with Dean Cane) as Smallville's Lois Lane's (Erica Durance) mom in a brief video appearance. 

So, if you're on twitter and would like to see Lynda Carter as Hippolyta, retweet!!

Wonder Woman Costume Tid Bits From Emerald City Comic Con

[ComicBookMovie.com] Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con kicked off yesterday and fans were able to ask DC panelists about what they could expect Wonder Woman costume from television series to look like.

DC's Editor-in-Chief Bob Harras said:

“I’ve seen some sketches for the Wonder Woman costume and I will say this today – there is every intent to make them similar. People do these TV shows and these movies because they love the characters. And with DC being able to work much more closely with Warner Bros, I think you’ll be happy with what comes across.” 

It sounds like a promising answer.   Aside from casting, what Wonder Woman's costume will look like is a hot topic.  Will it resemble her updated stripper/tattoo artist look or the classic Wonder Woman outfit Lynda Carter wore in the original series?

Personally, I am hoping it resembles the original Wonder Woman and not the updated whorish look.  But it sounds like whoever is in charge of costuming knows to stay away from that look because it's been so poorly received by the fans.

Hope fans can rest easy tonight after reading this blog post ;)

Casting Update: British Actor Cary Elwes Joins Wonder Woman

Cary Elwes

[Deadline] Well-known British film actor Cary Elwes has joined the cast of Wonder Woman, as one of the male leads, Henry Demeter. Henry Demeter is the acting CEO of Themyscira Industries, running the day to day operations of the company, is deeply devoted to Diana and acts like an Uncle to her.

In the cast sheet details, Henry is also listed as one of three possible love interests. The other two possible love interests/male leads are Ed Indelicato and Steve Trevor.

Elwes has extensive movie and TV credits. I remember him as Robin Hood from Mel Brooks' take on the Robin Hood legend and as Wesley from The Princes Bride. You can see more of Elwes credits on his IMDB page.

Casting So Far (& Wish List Casting)

Hopefully in the next few days we'll hear more casting announcements. In the mean time, I wanted to review our characters (casted, not yet casted and my personal wish list of actors I'd like to see) 

[WONDER WOMAN / DIANA THEMYSCIRA / DIANA PRINCE] Female, late 20s to 30s. A kick-ass Superhero / Powerful C.E.O. / A vulnerable woman. Long flowing black hair, blue eyes. Amazon-like, muscular, an Olympian. The charismatic stage presence of a rock star. A crime fighter. Also, a real woman who yearns to live a normal life. She is accessible and appealing to all people, men and women alike…SERIES LEAD. ASP.

[MYNDI MAYER] Female, open ethnicity, 30s. Publicist, Press Secretary and Wonder Woman’s confidant and nurturing best friend. Worldy and edgy. Sexy and persuasive, her appearance is part of her strength. She is beautiful and put together - dressed expensively in the latest fashions, plus she’s got a bit of bite, clever wit and sass. She’s the prodder of Diana’s social life…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.

[ETTA] Female, open ethnicity, 30s. Diana Themyscira’s always cheerful personal assistant. A bit charactery, but real, pretty and effervescent. She is blindly devoted to Diana. She’s her unrelenting cheerleader, with unwavering, unabated support. On the vulnerable side, she sees the humble and sympathetic sides in everyone, including Diana…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.


[CEO HENRY DEMETER] Male, open ethnicity, 40s. Acting CEO of Themyscira Industries. Grounded, intelligent and deeply devoted to Diana. He runs the day to day operations of the company and acts like an Uncle to Diana although he could be a possible love interest down the line…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.


[STEVE TREVOR] Male, open ethnicity, 30s. A leading man Diana can’t look past. Good looking but a real man. An Army vet, he now works in the Justice dept…SERIES REGULAR, ASP.


[ED INDELICATO] Male, late 30s to early 40s. Stoic and tough, he is a liaison to the police department. Devoted and loyal to Diana, he’s blue collar, a no nonsense kind of guy. A chiseled man who subscribes to the old fashion rules of relationships - men don’t talk much. His job comes first and he wouldn’t make room for the possibility that there is potential romantic relationship with Diana…SERIES REGULAR, 10/13.


Additional Characters (NOT YET CASTED)

Unnamed body builders, buff soldier types
Artemis (seen only in Paradise Islands flashbacks with Steve Trevor); wish list: Bridget Regan
William Marston

Not Yet Announced

Queen Hippolyta - Queen of the Amazons in Greek mythology. She is also the mother of Wonder Woman and the mother of fellow superhero Donna Troy.


Circe - A high level witch, her sorcery allows her to manipulate reality through incantations and spells. When she received Wonder Woman's powers, she wielded the lasso of truth added by athame she carried. Her strength and durability greatly increased due to the power boost she obtained, though this was only temporary as Wonder Woman received them back.

WISH LIST: Dawn Olivieri 

For a complete of other Wonder Woman villains 

Pedro Pascal Is Ed Indelicato

Pedro Pascal
[The Hollywood Reporter] Casting news keeps on coming! Actor Pedro Pascal has been cast as Ed Indelicato, a police officer who befriends Wonder Woman.

Pascal is a actor who has had various TV roles on different series including ABC's 'Brothers & Sisters,' CBS's 'The Good Wife' and has a role in this month's release 'The Adjustment Bureau' with Matt Damon. He also had a small role on season four premiere of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.

His role description from the cast sheet reads:

[ED INDELICATO] Male, late 30s to early 40s. Stoic and tough, he is a liaison to the police department. Devoted and loyal to Diana, he’s blue collar, a no nonsense kind of guy. A chiseled man who subscribes to the old fashion rules of relationships - men don’t talk much. His job comes first and he wouldn’t make room for the possibility that there is potential romantic relationship with Diana…SERIES REGULAR, 10/13.

Another role filled: Etta Candy!!

Apparently, Elizabeth Hurley as Wonder Woman's rival isn't the only news today. The role of Etta, the personal assistant of Diane Prince, (“Wonder Woman” alter ego) will played by Tracie Thoms, who is best known for her work on the long-running CBS drama “Cold Case.”

The Examiner

Deadline.com has an updated article. 

More Comic Book Details on Wonder Woman's Nemesis

The character of Veronica Cale was introduced in the November 2003, #196 issue of Wonder Woman.

Superman has Lex Luther as his chief nemesis, Wonder Woman has Veronica Cale.

The co-founder of Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals, Cale resents Wonder Woman's message of peace and acceptance in man's world. She event went as far as turn the media against Wonder Woman, allying herself with Doctor Psycho and Circe.

ComicVine.com and wikipedia has more background info on the character.

British Actress Elizabeth Hurley to Play Diana's Nemesis

Elizabeth Hurley
(STV Entertainment) British actress Elizabeth Hurley is first big casting announcement since Adrianne Palicki was named Wonder  Woman late last month.  Hurley will be play the role of Veronica Cale, who is Diana's nemesis and rival. Both women are CEO's of the show's rival companies. The main reason Diana isn't a big fan of her is because Cale's company is doing experiments on people (what those experiments are is anyone's guess) but since this is a super-powered reboot, I'm guessing it has something to do with genetics.

On Hurley's Twitter, she wrote: “Thrilled to be doing the NBC pilot Wonder Woman. I'll be playing the evil villain. Can't wait.”

Update: Remember my earlier post open casting for body building types to play soldiers?  I had a sneaking feeling that maybe Veronica's character as tied to soldiers (this was a major plot line of the finale of first half of season 3 of Heroes)...I was right!

A trusted spoiler fansite I've visited for a long time TV Fanatic confirmed it. Cale's company will be creating a drug that makes people stronger.

Right now, Hurley is only a guest star in the pilot but since her story and role probably requires more than an appearance in the pilot, you'll probably see more of her in the future.

It's also important to mention, her role isn't a done deal (yet). It’s pending until she gets her visa.  She is British after all ;)

Official Wonder Cast Feed - for real this time!

The rss feed works again!! Yay!

So here's the official link: http://feeds.feedburner.com/wonderpodcast

Unknown character added to casting

A yet-unnamed character has been added to casting.  Here's the description:

"Central Casting Los Angeles is looking for Super Buff, Worked out, Bodybuilder Type Guys to play soldiers that appear to be on steroids for Wonder Woman. This will work at the end of March or beginning of April. Email bodyshots with all sizes and contact info to centralww@gmail.com . if you know someone not registered with Central Casting please let them know they can submit too!"

Wonder Woman's traditional costume also made a return.  See the above pic.

No More Trashy Wonder Woman Costume

Looks like Wonder Woman comic book fans have something to be happy about. Remember that awful costume revamp last year?

DC Comics wanted to upgrade Wonder Woman's traditional costume to fit a darker storyline or something. A majority of fans didn't really like the new costume because it wasn't Wonder Woman.  I understand that too. Take away the title and I'd think it was a high class hooker or tattoo artist.

Now, it looks like Wonder Woman is changing costumes again.  But not to worry, she's not going to look sluttier.

This pic surfaced on twitter.

Now that is the Wonder Woman costume we are all familiar with.  No recent news about the Wonder Woman re-vamp but as far as the costume is concerned, I hope it is based on the original costume but fit for television.  In other words, not spandex. But a 'Xena-esque' version of Wonder Woman.

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