Wonder Woman Will Actually Have 3 Different Superhero Outfits

[MovieLine.com] Three must be a lucky number for Wonder Woman.

She has three identities, possibly three love interests in the new series and now, three costumes. Third time's a charm, right? Okay.

To recap, yesterday NBC President Robert Greenbalt confirmed that we would get to see Wonder Woman wearing the booty shorts in her final confrontation with Veronica Cale. Fans also thought when the film photos came out of Wonder Woman sporting a different outfit, the costuming and production department took fans' criticisms to heart and did away with the Halloween costume-promo.

That's not the case. The plastic look will stay (must to fans chagrin), the better version of that costume will also stay, making the booty shorts -- Wonder Woman's third costume.

And of course, other costumes could be hidden away in her closet and if they are, those will probably also make a debut later.

What do you think of this late costuming development? Do you think 3 is Kelley's lucky number and maybe, taking it a bit too far or would you have preferred Wonder Woman wear only the second, non-plastic look?

Latest Poll: Are You Excited about Wonder Woman's Booty Shorts Making a Return?

Don't forget to vote in the latest poll (on the blog & on the forum), or both about Wonder Woman's booty shorts making a return!

 Here's a link to the forum topic! Wonder Woman's Booty Shorts: "She'll look good whatever she wears!"

Wonder Woman's Booty Shorts Make a Comeback

[TVLine.com] Wonder Woman's booty shorts, or grandma panty or over-sized underwear will make an appearance in the Wonder Woman reboot. NBC's President, Robert Greenbalt confirmed so today. (I think it's also the first time NBC has spoken up regarding the reboot since it was officially greenlighted for a pilot movie).

If you don't know or remember what I'm talking about, here's a reminder:

Yes, those blue booty shorts with white stars Lynda Carter on the original series. That's what I'm talking about. According to Greenblatt, the booty shorts were always going to be in the reboot. In fact, if you read tidbits from the leaked script, Wonder Woman has her original costume hidden away in her closet. As to whether, we'd actually see her wearing them in the series was another story.

And we know when the famous booty shorts will make an appearance too: in her final confrontation with Veronica Cale.

Greenblatt is also very optimistic about the Kelley's script and in regard to fan's criticism, he says critiques are important but if they listened to all the negative criticism, nothing would get done. (I couldn't agree more that statement!) He also says Kelley will bring an intelligence to the show other writers might not have (which further solidifies in my mind that Wonder Woman 2.0 will be a character drama).

I can't end this blog post without my last thoughts on the booty shorts/grandma wondrous undies...

I realize the booty shorts are a part of the classic costume but honestly, I always thought they were silly. It's colorful starry underwear to me.  Unless the costume department makes them look appropriate for Wonder Woman today, it could still look silly and not to mention unflattering (stars, blue, highlighting your butt -- no female wants that, at least not me anyway).

But maybe the costuming department won't make it look silly.

A new poll will be coming up soon about the booty shorts!

Complete Fall Upfronts Schedule for April & May

Remember back in February when I posted a brief snippet about NBC's fall upfronts? OnLocationVacations.com posted a full schedule for every single network on their website.

NBC Upfronts will be May 16, 2011

NBC's date is still May 16 but it will be in the morning. The Upfronts, if you don't know, is when the networks announce their fall schedules and pitch to advertising buyers to get as much advertising money “up front” as they can.

Wonder Woman Featured on This Month's TV Guide: Smallville Cover

I don't know what I'm more excited about: probably the last TV Guide issue to feature an article on Smallville because it's the last season or the Wonder Woman preview. Actually, probably the Wonder Woman preview.

In additional, there's a photo of Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman in the sidebar and there's even a small spoiler: “in addition to fighting villains, like Elizabeth Hurley as Veronica Cale, she’ll search for a way back to Paradise Island.” That's very interesting.

I tried searching today for this recent issue today but couldn't find it. It also looks like, this special edition cover is only available on newsstands (but probably where I looked, won't have the new edition until next week) and if you get TV Guide by subscription, it will not have the Wonder Woman sidebar.

I did a quick Google search and found the original cover with the article featuring Lynda Carter.  The issue dates back to 1977 when Classic Wonder Woman was at its height of popularity. You can see the original cover and article here.

Poll Results: What do you think of the latest Wonder Woman costume tweaks?

Poll: What do you think of the latest Wonder Woman costume tweaks?

New Forum Post: About Diana Themyscira

Ever since the casting sheet came out for Wonder Woman and the revelation of a third identity, CEO Diana Themyscira, I wondered how a third identity was going to translate on-screen. Fans immediately hated it but one could also argue, Wonder Woman's had three identities ALL along. But back to Diana T (as I like to call her).

Join the thread discussion here on the Wonder Cast forum!

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